Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Process

Here's a little time lapse of a three layer stencil I made..
It turned out pretty sweet, hope you enjoy...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Desn 111 Project 2

This design project was started from looking at the movements of the knee joint.
I then diagrammed these movements with the intensity of the hatching and the line weights showing movement and pressure.
I then crafted a kinetic model that replicated these range of movements. It is driven by a thread attached to a weight, that is wrapped around an axle. When dropped it unwound, spinning the mechanism.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Real Life

These are people Ive painted, memories I have... family, friends, companions..

Give them a click to see the full size image

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Network

I've found over the last few weeks the value of having a blog.. Its been really good getting feed back so quickly, which can help me learn, adapt, create and comunicate.. Thanks to all who have had somthing to say, I've enjoyed seeing everyones styles and what they've got to put out there..